Monday, November 7, 2016


Ciao!    I thought that I could tell you a little bit of the last week in Finland. Last weeks in Finland was unforgettable for me. I spend time with my family and friends. This kind of situations you learn to appreciate the people who is around you. So I want thank you all for being with me and support me. I remember that day when I tell my dad about my dream living a foreign country. That day came faster than'd have thought. Young girl sitting on the car and dreaming the place where nobody knows nothing about you that was me few weeks ago...Now'm that girl who is in the place where nobody knows who I am. I remember those days when I was with my friends we here dancing under stars and northern lights of course we were listening good music and make a campfire. I remember when I was with my family in the car and just singing together and laughing. I remember that moment when I was sitting in the car with peoples how are most important for me and feeling that someone held me by the hand. Then was the moment when my tears run down the cheeks and I saw my friends waiting me ready for saying goodbye. Saying goodbye for somebody who you love is most hardest thing ever. When I was sitting in the car and waving my hand saying goodbye I feel that my whole body was on fire. I realized that when I come back they are waiting me if is intended that way. Next feeling was in that this is going to be my adventure what I have dreaming since I was little.. Now is time to start telling this story for you.oMe sitting on the airplane with oneway ticket and my emotions were all messed up but still I know that this is trip of my life and this determines the rest of my life who I am.  Life begins at the end of your comfort zone🌍
You're amazing
"The likelihood of Brazilian girl meets a Finnish girl is null and void but here we are together "
These people are my part of my family 
Sushi with my  Italian friends  
Sometimes you find people that after one day you think that you have know them  your hole life
Lots of fun with these ones
I don't never forget you guys!


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